New Zorse Video Released!
First song called Schizophrenic Girl released from the upcoming Zorse album! Name of the album is Dark Green and it will be released in...
Petrus Piironen's Playful World
Luova Records is proud to announce a new artist joined our collective. Petrus Piironen is a Finnish composer & songwriter. His third full...
Huminoita debut now available on Luova Record Shop!
To buy the album please visit our webshop.
Huminoita debut album is finally available on 28th of October
After more than two years of waiting Huminoitas sold out debut album is finally available on a physical format. Luova Recorcds will...
SUMUPOSAUTTAJA - New artist signed!
Sumuposauttaja is a one man Heartbeat/LoFi band who operates with synthesisers, warm sounding tapes, soundscapes of nature, interviews...
Luova-klubi @ Poppari JKL 6.6.2015!
Tervetuloa kaikki! Monipuolinen kattaus musaa tarjolla. Luvassa arvontaa ja yllätyspalkintoja!
MÄSÄ - Sekaisin Makista Music Video!
Another MÄSÄ song released from the upcoming album. This song is a tribute to Finnish 90's pop music and especially to band Aikakone...
Huminoita T-Shirts on sale
Huminoita T-shirts arrived in Luova Records Shop. Two very nice looking high quality T-shirts in all sizes. Digital album download...
New MÄSÄ music video!
MÄSÄn ensimmäinen biisi tulevalta julkaisulta on vihdoin saatettu videon muotoon. Kappale kantaa nimeä Iisalmen serkku. Se kertoo...
Jesufåglar out of stock soon!
Hi this is Jeppe from Luova Records I just came to inform you that Jesufåglars self released edition of the album Matka Ajan Rannoille...